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FixMyPose: Pose Correctional Captioning and Retrieval (AAAI 2021)

Hyounghun Kim*, Abhay Zala*, Graham Burri, Mohit Bansal
What is FixMyPose/फिक्समाइपोज़?
FixMyPose is a new captioning dataset for learning how to write pose correctional descriptions and target pose identification. Agents are given two tasks, Pose Correctional Captioning and Target Pose Retrieval. In the Pose Correctional Captioning task, agents should write correctional descriptions on how a person shown in the current image can move to reach the pose of the person shown in the target image. During the Target Pose Retrieval task, agents are given the current image and a natural language correctional description and are asked to identify what the target image should be. In both cases, agents require a deep understanding of object referring expressions, 3D depth, and spatial relationships in order to successfully complete the task.

FixMyPose Gif
Paper / Code / Dataset
Please see our AAAI 2021 Paper.


Please see our Github page for the code/dataset and how to get started.

If you use FixMyPose please cite our paper with this BibTeX entry.

  title={FixMyPose: Pose Correctional Captioning and Retrieval},
  author={Hyounghun Kim and Abhaysinh Zala and Graham Burri and M. Bansal},
Pose Correctional Captioning Score List
Please contact for the test-unseen split.
Rank Model Code Language Automated Metrics Task-Specific Metrics
September 9th, 2020
Baseline Model
UNC Chapel Hill
(Kim, Zala, et al. 2020)
Github English 17.26 6.40 21.30 34.82 0.04 1.42 0.17
Hindi 18.98 6.69 28.47 34.53 0.03 1.52 0.11

Target Pose Retrieval Score List
Rank Model Code Accuracy (%)
English Hindi
September 9th, 2020
Baseline Model
UNC Chapel Hill
(Kim, Zala, et al. 2020)
Github 38.49 37.84

Ethics Statement

Our paper and dataset hopes to enable people to improve their health and well-being, as well as strives to follow ethical standards, e.g., we especially try to maintain balance across diverse demographics and avoid privacy concerns by collecting data from a simulated environment (but still show good transfer to real images from authors), and we also expand beyond English so as to more inclusively cover multiple languages. Similar to other image captioning tasks/models, some imperfect descriptions from models trained on our FixMyPose dataset might also lead to difficult/unnatural poses. Presenting models’ confidence scores can help people ignore such unnatural pose corrections; however, most importantly, careful use is required for real-world applications (similar to all other image captioning models/tasks, e.g., the ones used for accessibility and visual assistance), and further broader discussion on developing fail-safe AI systems is needed.